As the party stood against him, Father Manfred summoned impressive glowing aetheric armor about himself with a prayer of protection. Yuric tried (with an impressive lack of success) to subdue the priest with his own hammer, succeeding mostly in swinging the weapon enthusiastically at nothing. Olesya managed to defuse the situation -- at least somewhat -- by convincing Yuric to drop the hammer and Father Manfred that they did not wish to attack him. Father Manfred recovered his hammer when it flew from the floor directly into his hand. He then questioned Olesya, Yuric, and Berrend. Hearing of Hellhounds and the dismembered corpses, he asked to be taken to the evidence. The party guided him to the Lebziak house, where the rotting corpse of the vicious dogs remained, along with the hole in the wall, and the gruesome collection of body parts. Although he dismissed the identification of the dogs as hellhounds, Manfred seemed to confirm the action of the forces of Chaos in this sl...
The search for Stephanie Grasserman began in earnest. Siegfried and Yuric pressed some of their local contacts to see if anyone saw the girl the night of the rioting at the Red Orc. They picked up no specific information, Yuric learned that more vandalism and marching happened in the Kislevite quarter and that some members of the community are keeping their children with the Apothecary, a community leader. Olessia, although she spent time tending to her community, did pass on that she suspected Stephanie might be held aboard The Hammer, the riverboat which brought the Voice of Sigmar adherents to Grunwald. Meanwhile, Ploog visited his cousin Hoibur Ironhammer , the town blacksmith, to obtain some arms for the search. Liking the irony, Hoibur loaned Ploog a warhammer (a Sigmarite symbol). Ploog then took some leather armor and readied himself. Berend made a very large show of trying to track the girl and when Olessia's suggestion came to light, made an even bigger show of...
The search for Stephanie Grassermann continued. While Siegfried, Yuric, Berend, and Ploog undertook the search of the Hammer, Olessia met with Marina Ryabov , an apothecary who serves as one of the unofficial leaders of the Kislevite community in Grunwald. Marina and her husband (the barber-surgeon Vyacheslav ) enjoyed good relations with the powers-that-be in the town and had opened their home to Kislevite children whose parents feared more vandalism. Their conversation was cut short when Marina received word that Countess Greta von Webern (ruler of Grunwald and the surrounding county) was making her way by carriage to the town's port. Along with many other curious Grunwalders, Olessia and Marina followed the carriage's progress as armed guards cleared a way down to the harbor. Siegfried, Yuric, and Berend had finished their business aboard the Hammer when the countess's carriage arrived at the harbor, shortly after midday. Reunited with Olessia, they all wat...
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