The Prophet of Grunwald - Session 7 - Take Us to Your Demon Books!

River Warden Jaromir brought the companions into the Red Orc and began interrogating them, although his bluster was cut short by Olesya's glare (and a sudden drop in temperature). He revealed that he had ordered the port closed and a search for the beast that had slain the Lebziak family would begin shortly. He also admitted he was seriously undermanned and extracted an offer of assistance from Olesya. It also came to light that the entire crew of the ferry that brought Yuric to town had been slaughtered on the river -- apparently by the same beast. Olesya sought more information and asked Jaromir to bring her to a library. He suggested the personal library of Viktor Carro , one of the town's prominent citizens (and a former mayor who, Jaromir reports, wishes to be mayor again). The Carro home stood right next to the Red Orc facing the town square (and was, Yuric remembered, the house Stephanie Grasserman had tried to go to for shelter when she was separated from her famil...